SGS Programs

Program Name Degree School Study Plan
Arabic Language and LiteraturePH.D Degree Arts
Arabic Language and LiteratureMaster Degree Arts
MA in Arabic Language and Literature.pdf    
HistoryPH.D Degree Arts
PhD in history.pdf    
HistoryMaster Degree Arts
MA in history.pdf    
GeographyMaster Degree Arts
Approved study plan 2019 الجغرافيا-1-16-MAster.pdf    
GeographyPH.D Degree Arts
Approved study plan 2019 الجغرافيا-17-26-doctorate.pdf    
Sociology PH.D Degree Arts
PhD in Sociology.pdf    
Sociology Master Degree Arts
MA in Sociology.pdf    
PhilosophyMaster Degree Arts
MA in Philosophy.pdf    
Teaching Arabic Language to Non-Speakers of ArabicMaster Degree Arts
MA in Learning Arabic Language.pdf    
Social WorkMaster Degree Arts
MA in Social Work.pdf    
Political SciencesMaster Degree International Studies
MA in Political Science.pdf    
English LiteraturePH.D Degree Foreign languages
PhD in English Language and Literature.pdf    
English LiteratureMaster Degree Foreign languages
M.A in English Literature.pdf    
TranslationMaster Degree Foreign languages
ماجستير الترجمة.pdf    
LinguisticsMaster Degree Foreign languages
MA in Linguistics.pdf    
Translation (French  Arabic)Master Degree Foreign languages
MA in Translation French- Arabic.pdf    
Business Administration/AdministrationMaster Degree Business
MA in Business Administration.pdf    
Quality ManagementMaster Degree Business
MA in Total Quality Management.pdf    
MSc/FinanceMaster Degree Business
MA in Finance-MSc.pdf    
MBA/MarketingMaster Degree Business
MA in Marketing.pdf    
MBA/AccountingMaster Degree Business
MBA in Accounting.pdf    
MA Accounting Master Degree Business
MA in Accounting.pdf    
Public AdministrationMaster Degree Business
MA Public Administration.pdf    
International BusinessMaster Degree Business
MA In International Business.pdf    
Business EconomicsMaster Degree Business
MA in Business Economics.pdf    
Competition and RegulationMaster Degree Business
MA in Regulation and Competition.pdf    
FinanceMaster Degree Business
MA in Finance.pdf    
MBA/ FinanceMaster Degree Business
MA in Finance-MBA.pdf    
MathematicsPH.D Degree Science
PhD in Mathematics.pdf    
PhysicsPH.D Degree Science
PhD in Physics.pdf    
PhysicsMaster Degree Science
MSc in Physics.pdf    
Medical PhysicsMaster Degree Science
MA in Medical Physics.pdf    
Nuclear PhysicsMaster Degree Science
MSc in Nuclear Physics.pdf    
ChemistryPH.D Degree Science
دكتوراة كيمياء انجليزي.pdf    
Chemistry- ThesisMaster Degree Science
ماجستير كيمياء رسالة انجليزي.pdf    
Biological SciencesPH.D Degree Science
PhD in Biological Sciences.docx    
Biological SciencesMaster Degree Science
MSc in Biological Sciences.pdf    
GeologyPH.D Degree Science
PhD in Geology.pdf    
GeologyMaster Degree Science
MSc in Geology.pdf    
Environmental Sciences and ManagementMaster Degree Science
MSc in Environmental Sciences and Management.pdf    
Philosophy in NursingPH.D Degree Nursing
Ph.D Philosophy in Nursing.pdf    
Clinical Nursing/ Critical CareMaster Degree Nursing
MSc in Clinical Nursing-Critical Care.pdf    
Clinical Nursing/ Palliative CareMaster Degree Nursing
MSc in Clinical Nursing- Palliative Care.pdf    
Clinical Nursing/ Psychiatric mental healthMaster Degree Nursing
MSc in Clinical Nursing Psychiatric- mental health.pdf    
Plan ProductionPH.D Degree Agriculture
PhD plant protection.pdf    
Plant ProtectionMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Plant Protection.pdf    
Animal ProductionMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Animal Production.pdf    
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness ManagementMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Agricultural Economics And Agribusiness Management.pdf    
Horticulture and Crop SciencePH.D Degree Agriculture
Horticulture and Crop Science phd.pdf    
Horticulture and Crop ScienceMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Horticulture and Crop Science.pdf    
BiotechnologyMaster Degree Agriculture
Ma in Biotechnology.pdf    
Human Nutrition and DieteticsPH.D Degree Agriculture
Ph.D Nutrition New English 2018.pdf    
Human Nutrition and DieteticsMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.pdf    
Food Science and TechnologyPH.D Degree Agriculture
دكتوراه في علم وتكنولوجيا الغذاء الانجليزيه.pdf    
Food Science and TechnologyMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Food Science and Technology.pdf    
Land, Water and EnvironmentPH.D Degree Agriculture
PhD in Land, Water, and Environment.pdf    
Land, Water and EnvironmentMaster Degree Agriculture
MSc in Land, Water, and Environment.pdf    
LawPH.D Degree Law
Study Plan- Doctorate 20-1-2020 (3).pdf    
LawMaster Degree Law
MA in Law.pdf    
Intellectual Property LawMaster Degree Law
MA in Intellectual Property Law.pdf    
Physical EducationPH.D Degree Sport Sciencesالخطة غير محملة
Physical EducationMaster Degree Sport Sciencesالخطة غير محملة
Educational Psychology/Measurement and EvaluationPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
قياس وتقويم.pdf    
Educational Psychology/Measurement and EvaluationMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Measurement and Evaluation.pdf    
Educational Psychology/Learning and DevelopmentPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
تعلم ونمو.pdf    
Educational Psychology/Learning and DevelopmentMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Learning And Development.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/General CurriculumPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in General Curriculum.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/General CurriculumMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in General Curriculum.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/Methods of Teaching ScienceMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Curriculum And Instruction Methods Of Teaching Science.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/Methods of Teaching English LanguageMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Methods of Teaching English Language.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/Methods of Teaching Arabic LanguageMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Methods of Teaching Arabic Language.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/Methods of Teaching MathematicsMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Methods of Teaching Mathematics.pdf    
Curriculum and Instruction/Educational TechnologyMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Curriculum and Instruction Educational Technology.pdf    
Educational AdministrationPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in Educational Administration.pdf    
Educational AdministrationMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Educational administration.pdf    
Library and Information ScienceMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Library and Information.pdf    
Foundations of EducationPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in Foundation of Education.pdf    
Foundations of EducationMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Foundations of Education.pdf    
Psychological and Educational CounselingPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in Psychological And Educational Counseling.pdf    
Psychological and Educational CounselingMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Psychological And Educational Counseling.pdf    
Special EducationPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in Special Education.pdf    
Special EducationMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Special Education.pdf    
Civil Engineering/StructuresPH.D Degree Engineering
PHDCivil EngineeringStructures E.pdf    
Civil Engineering/StructuresMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Civil Engineering-Structures.pdf    
Civil Engineering/Water and EnvironmentMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Civil Engineering-Water and Environment.pdf    
Civil Engineering/TransportationMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Civil Engineering-Transportation.pdf    
ArchitectureMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Architecture.pdf    
Electrical Engineering/CommunicationMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Electrical Engineering-Communication.pdf    
Mechanical EngineeringMaster Degree Engineering
Master Mechanical Engineering.pdf    
Industrial Engineering/ManagementMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Engineering Management.pdf    
Industrial Engineering/Design and ManufacturingMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Design and Manufacturing.pdf    
Energy ManagementMaster Degree Engineering
MSc Energy Management.pdf    
Chemical EngineeringMaster Degree Engineering
M.Sc.Chemical Engineering.pdf    
Computer Engineering and NetworksMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Computer Engineering and Networks.pdf    
Pharmaceutical SciencesPH.D Degree Pharmacy
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences.pdf    
Pharmaceutical SciencesMaster Degree Pharmacy
MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences.pdf    
Clinical PharmacyMaster Degree Pharmacy
MSc. in Clinical Pharmacy.pdf    
ArcheologyMaster Degree Archaeology and Tourism
MA in Artcaeology.pdf    
Computer ScienceMaster Degree IT
Ma in Computer Science1.pdf    
Computer InformationMaster Degree IT
MSc in Computer Information.pdf    
Music ArtsMaster Degree Arts and Design
خطة الماجستير الجديدة بالانجليزي2018).pdf    
Speech-Language PathologyMaster Degree Rehabilitation Sciences
MSc in Speech-Language Pathology.pdf    
American StudiesMaster Degree International Studies
Master of American Studies.pdf    
Human Rights and Human DevelopmentMaster Degree International Studies
Masters of Human Rights.pdf    
Diplomatic StudiesMaster Degree International Studies
Study Plan-Masters in Diplomatic Studies.pdf    
Conflict ResolutionMaster Degree International Studies
Masters of Conflict Resolution.pdf    
Islamic Jurisprudence and its FoundationsPH.D Degree Shari'a
PhD in Jurisprudence and Its Foundations.pdf    
Islamic Jurisprudence and its FoundationsMaster Degree Shari'a
MA in Jurisprudence and Its Foundations.pdf    
Islamic Jurisdiction and Legislative PolicyPH.D Degree Shari'a
Ph.D in Islamic Jurisdiction and Legislative Policy.pdf    
Islamic JurisdictionMaster Degree Shari'a
MA in Islamic Jurisdiction.pdf    
HadithPH.D Degree Shari'a
HadithMaster Degree Shari'a
M.A Hadith.pdf    
Islamic DoctrineMaster Degree Shari'a
M.A Faith.pdf    
ExegesisMaster Degree Shari'a
M.A. Exegesis.pdf    
Islamic StudiesMaster Degree Shari'a
MA in Islamic studies.pdf    
Fixed and Removable ProsthodonticsMaster Degree Dentistry
MA in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics.pdf    
Pediatric DentistryMaster Degree Dentistry
طب أسنان الاطفال المختومة والمعتمدة النهائية.pdf    
ToxicologyMaster Degree Medicine
ماجستير علم السموم.pdf    
Medical Laboratory SciencesMaster Degree Medicine
2019ماجستير العلوم الطبية المخبرية.pdf    
Public HealthMaster Degree Medicine
PharmacologyMaster Degree Medicine
Anatomy and HistologyMaster Degree Medicine
الخطة الدراسية ماجستير التشريح 11-6-2018.pdf    
PathologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
OphthalmologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Ophthalmology.pdf    
Forensic MedicineHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Forensic Medicine and Pathology.pdf    
PediatricsHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Pediatrics.pdf    
Family MedicineHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Family Medicine.pdf    
UrologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Urology.pdf    
OrthopedicsHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Orthopadics.pdf    
General SurgeryHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate - General surgery.pdf    
NeurosurgeryHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Neurosurgery.pdf    
OtolaryngologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Otolar.pdf    
Anesthesia and Intensive CareHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Intensive care.pdf    
Obstetrics and GynecologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Obstetrics And Gynaecology.pdf    
Internal MedicineHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate -Internal Medicine.pdf    
Diagnostic RadiologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
High Specialty Certificate-Diagnostic Radiology.pdf    
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryHigher Specialization Programs Dentistry
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.pdf    
Women’s StudiesMaster Degree Center for Women's Studies
MA in Women’s Studies.pdf    
Plant ProtectionPH.D Degree Agriculture
PhD in Plant Protection.pdf    
PhilosophyPH.D Degree Arts
الخطة الدراسية للماجستير لقسم الفلسفة كلية الآداب.pdf    
Ph.D. in qur'anic exegesis (tafsèr) and sciences (‘ulūm al-qu’rān)PH.D Degree Shari'a
PhD in Qur'anic Exegesis (Tafsèr) and Sciences (‘Ulūm Al-Qu’rān.pdf    
MathematicsMaster Degree Science
MA in Mathematics.pdf    
Curriculum Instruction Methods of Teaching Islamic Education EMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Methods of Teaching Islamic Education.pdf    
Curriculum Instruction Methods of Teaching Social SciencesMaster Degree Educational Sciences
MA in Curriculum and Instruction Methods Of Teaching Social Sciences.pdf    
Middle Eastern StudiesMaster Degree International Studies
MA in Middle Eastern Studies.pdf    
Global Challenges and LeadershipMaster Degree International Studies
MA in Global Challenges and Leadership.pdf    
Computer SciencePH.D Degree IT
PhD in Computer Science.pdf    
Project Management EngineeringMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in engineering project management.pdf    
Environmental Technology and Climate Changes Master Degree Engineering
MSc in Environmental Technology and Climate Changes.pdf    
Maintenance Engineering and Quality Management Master Degree Engineering
MSc Maintenance Engineering and Quality management.pdf    
Language, Culture & CommunicationMaster Degree Foreign languages
MA in Language Culture and Communication.pdf    
Qur’anic Modes of ReadingMaster Degree Shari'a
MA in Qur'anic Models of Reading.pdf    
PsychologyMaster Degree Arts
الخطة الدراسية للماجستير لقسم الفلسفة كلية الآداب.pdf    
Web IntelligenceMaster Degree IT
Ma in Web Intelligence.pdf    
Development PracticeMaster Degree International Studies
MA in Development Practice.pdf    
Renewable EnergyMaster Degree Engineering
MSc in Renewable Energy.pdf    
Olive Production and Processing TechnologyMaster Degree Agriculture
MA in Olive Production and Processing Technology.pdf    
Comparative ReligionMaster Degree Shari'a
MA in Comparative Religion.pdf    
Curriculum Clinical Laboratory MicrobiologyHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
Curriculum Clinical Laboratory Microbiology.DOC    
Accident And Emergency MedicineHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
Accident And Emergency Medicine.pdf    
Marine ScienceMaster Degree Marine sciences/Aqaba
MA in Marine Science.pdf    
Islamic CreedPH.D Degree Shari'a
PhD. in Islamic Creed.pdf    
Integrated Water Resources ManagmentJoint Programs Master's Science
MSc in Integrated Water Resources Managment.pdf    
Business EconomicsPH.D Degree Business
PhD in Business economy.pdf    
Political SciencePH.D Degree International Studies
دكتوراه العلوم السياسية E.pdf    
linguisticsPH.D Degree Foreign languages
دكتوراه اللغويات.pdf    
Animal ProductionPH.D Degree Agriculture
PhD in Animal production.pdf    
Electrical Engineering / PowerMaster Degree Engineering
MA in Electrical Engineering -Power.pdf    
MA in Organic AgricultureMaster Degree Agriculture
MA in Organic Agriculture.pdf    
E-GovermentMaster Degree IT
MA in E-Goverment.pdf    
Journalism and New MediaJoint Programs Master's Jordan Media Institute
MA in Journalism and New Media.pdf    
Business Administration/AdministrationMaster Degree Management and Finance/Aqaba
MA in Business Administration.pdf    
Business Administration/AdministrationMaster Degree Management and Finance/Aqaba
MA in Business Administration.pdf    
Business Administration/AdministrationMaster Degree Management and Finance/Aqaba
MA in Business Administration.pdf    
Computer ScienceMaster Degree Information Technology and Systems/Aqaba
Ma in Psychology.pdf    
Educational TechnologyPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
PhD in Educational Technology.pdf    
MA Accounting - ComprehensiveMaster Degree Business
MA Comprehensive.doc    
Chemistry - examMaster Degree Science
ماجستير كيمياء انجليزي شامل.pdf    
Doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction/ social studiesPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
الدراسات الاجتماعية.pdf    
Doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction/ MathematicsPH.D Degree Educational Sciences
Doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction/ English languagePH.D Degree Educational Sciences
اللغة الانجليزية.pdf    
Doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction/ Arabic languagePH.D Degree Educational Sciences
اللغة العربية.pdf    
Masters of science in Geotechnical EngineeringMaster Degree Engineering
ماجستير الهندسة الجيو تقنية 2020.pdf    
Masters in clinical orthodonticsMaster Degree Dentistry
خطة برنامج تقويم الاسنان السريري.pdf    
PHD of Supervision and Instruction in Physical EducationPH.D Degree Sport Sciences
Masters of Supervision and Instruction in Physical EducationMaster Degree Sport Sciences
Business InformaticsMaster Degree Business
خطة برنامج ماجستير معلوماتية الاعمال.pdf    
Dermatology and sexually transmitted diseaseHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
Derma Study Plan.pdf    
Physical Medicine and RehabilitationHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
Study Plan-physical medicine and rehabilitation.pdf    
Nuclear MedicineHigher Specialization Programs Medicine
Study Plan-Nuclear.pdf    
Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Special Needs DentistryHigher Specialization Programs Dentistry
الخطة الدراسية المعتمدة لبرنامج الاختصاص العالي في طب الفم وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.pdf    
Physiotherapy/NeuromusculoskeletalMaster Degree Rehabilitation Sciences
Athletic TherapyMaster Degree Rehabilitation Sciences
العلاج الرياضي.pdf    
Digital Communication ThesisMaster Degree Arts
Master's Degree in Digital Communication Thesis.doc    
Digital Communication comprehensiveMaster Degree Arts
Master's Degree in Digital Communication comp.doc    
Electoral Policies and Administration Master Degree International Studies
ماجستير السياسيات الانتخابية وإدارتها E.pdf    
Mechanical EngineeringPH.D Degree Engineeringالخطة غير محملة
Program Name Degree School Study Plan

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