To meet the Ministry of Education’s need for specialists in the field of Administration, the Faculty of Arts in the University of Jordan started offering the first master’s program in Administration and Guidance in the academic year 68/69, which is 6 years after the establishment of the University of Jordan. This step was followed by the initiation of many other specializations that offer diploma, master’s, and Ph.D degrees, which would contribute to improving the organizational structure of graduate studies.
In 1971, the Deanship of Academic Research and Graduate Studies was established for the aim of contributing to achieving the objectives of the University of Jordan in general (which focus in particular on increasing human knowledge), solidifying the base for scientific research at the University, improving postgraduate students abilities in scientific research and its methods in different fields, preparing high-level specialists to meet the society’s demands, and concentrating on local and regional multi-dimensional problems. It was until 1980 that this deanship was divided into two independent deanships, one of which is the Deanship of Graduate Studies.
Currently, the School of Graduate Studies offers the following scientific degrees:
1. Doctoral degree.
2. Master’s degree.
3. High Specialization degree in Medicine and Dentistry.